Dámh Imeall: (h)Edge School

Dámh means ‘academy’ or ‘artistic community’ in the Irish language. Imeall is the Irish word for ‘edge’ or ‘boundary’.

The ‘hedge school’ era in Ireland, during the 18th and 19th century, was an informal system of schooling that preserved traditional Gaelic culture and the classical education of Greek and Roman civilization. These hedge schools were often in homes, barns or secluded, secret places. The educational alchemy of the hedge school movement blends the poetic and the practical during times of existential crisis.


Samhain - Light in the Dark, Love in the Shadows
Lúnasa - Harvesting Wholeness: From Meloncholy to Meaning
The Mid Winter Saint: Brigid of Kildare
Holding the Center: The Purpose of Aging in Times of Transformation
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Sailing to Byzantium: The Poetics of Aging
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Advent of Hope: Evolve Your Power to Perceive New Arrival
Sale Price:$90.00 Original Price:$150.00
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The Lifelong Love Affair: Deepen your self-admiration this Valentine’s Day
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Inspiration from the Life of Saint Patrick
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The 360 Within © - Applying the Arts to your Coaching Practice
Sale Price:$0.00 Original Price:$300.00
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Advent: The Arrival of Purpose in Your Life
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Wheel of the Year
Sale Price:$210.00 Original Price:$430.00
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Samhain: Illuminate Your Soul
Sale Price:$70.00 Original Price:$145.00
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Lúnasa: The Nature of Your Soul
Sale Price:$70.00 Original Price:$145.00
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Bealtaine: The Hearth of Your Soul
Sale Price:$70.00 Original Price:$145.00
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An Easter Together: Recovering and Ritualizing the Triduum in Community
Sale Price:$45.00 Original Price:$65.00
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I Arise Today: St. Patrick and the Celtic Spell of Surrender
Sale Price:$25.00 Original Price:$45.00
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Imbolc: Thawing Your Soul
Sale Price:$70.00 Original Price:$145.00
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Our Invitation

Dámh Imeall: (h)Edge School offers a ‘way in’ to traditions and ideas that we may not have granted ourselves permission to fully investigate. By exploring rich veins of inherited human culture, we have an opportunity to reclaim our common bond, through learning, curiosity, laughter and conversation.

(h)Edge School is a series of conversations around the inherited wisdom that the arts and spirituality hold for our contemporary lives.