Inspiration from the Life of Saint Patrick


STARTS MARCH 17. We live in a world of distraction constantly vying for our precious attention, and often it can become difficult to find firm ground. St. Patrick's life, spirituality and teachings hold a blueprint to mirror the beauty in your own self.

BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE: When you purchase this course, you will receive a free spot for a friend.

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STARTS MARCH 17. We live in a world of distraction constantly vying for our precious attention, and often it can become difficult to find firm ground. St. Patrick's life, spirituality and teachings hold a blueprint to mirror the beauty in your own self.

BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE: When you purchase this course, you will receive a free spot for a friend.

STARTS MARCH 17. We live in a world of distraction constantly vying for our precious attention, and often it can become difficult to find firm ground. St. Patrick's life, spirituality and teachings hold a blueprint to mirror the beauty in your own self.

BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE: When you purchase this course, you will receive a free spot for a friend.

Dates: Thursday, March 17 and Friday, March 18, 2022

Time: Each 2HR session runs from 12–2pm ET, 9–11am PT, and 5–7pm Irish time.

What parts of yourself have you forgotten or maligned? What parts of yourself have been sacrificed in the name of progress? You can recall those parts of yourself through the epic life-story of St. Patrick of Ireland. 

This two part series will explore how the story of the historical and mythological St. Patrick will deepen your sense of self and your own joys or struggles. We will examine his literal life story and his impact after his death and then reflect on what the deeper themes of his life’s journey can teach us.

We live in a world of distraction constantly vying for our precious attention, and often it can become difficult to find firm ground.  St. Patrick's life, spirituality and teachings hold a blueprint to mirror the beauty in your own self. How do I live wholeheartedly? How can I inherit the wisdom of those who have gone before? Are there answers for me in the life of an ancient saint?

What you will receive: 

  • Attend two live Zoom meetings 

  • Every session has an optional breakout conversation with other participants to reflect on a set question of the day

  • Interact with the group via the Zoom chat feature 

  • Gain access to recordings of the two sessions indefinitely 

  • Download the Teaching Notes and Participant Chat for each session 

  • Receive an invitation to join the Dámh Imeall (h)Edge School Facebook Group