Advent: The Arrival of Purpose in Your Life


Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in our upcoming Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School course ‘Advent: The Arrival of Purpose in your Life’.

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Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in our upcoming Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School course ‘Advent: The Arrival of Purpose in your Life’.

Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in our upcoming Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School course ‘Advent: The Arrival of Purpose in your Life’.

Dates: Sunday, December 12, 2021 and Sunday, December 19, 2021

Time: Each 2HR session runs from 12–2pm ET, 9–11am PT, and 5–7pm Irish time.

Is your life in need of inspiration and breath? Do you seek a community of learning and fellowship? You can overcome blockages in your life by creating a community of laughter, music, poetry, ancient wisdom traditions and insight. Join the conversation around our family table and invite us into your home place. Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in our upcoming Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School course ‘Advent: The Arrival of Purpose in your Life’.

The Christian festival of Advent, from the Latin ‘Adventus’, means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’. We have all waited patiently for this arrival and now is the time to embody and articulate future direction in your life. Interfaith symbolism, scholarship, poetry, music and joy are abundant at this threshold time. In the Christian tradition Advent is a time of preparation, reflection, and hope. Amplify your powers of understanding, empathy, and charity both to yourself and to others.

Join us in this safe space to reflect and map a new or revitalised course for your life as we face the Winter solstice. Find your society of like minded people to converse with and listen to. Through the glow of poetry, music, philosophy and good humour you can overcome the blockages you face in your personal and professional life. Make yourself larger, more able for what challenges you. Gather with us to reflect and contribute to this Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School. 

Some themes you will explore on this Advent Journey: 

  • Explore the mythological and poetic themes around this particular time of year - the two Sundays leading up to the Winter Solstice, from which every day gets brighter 

  • Learn about the Celtic Mythology associated with this time of year 

  • Learn about the deep symbolism of the five candles of the Advent Wreath 

  • Discover the secret astro-archaeology of the 6,000 year old burial tomb in Ireland called Newgrange 

  • Experience the beauty and mystery of the ‘O Antiphons’ from the ancient Roman Rite; Gregorian Latin Chants only sung at this time of year 

  • Prepare your own Advent Wreath and light the candles of Advent with us 

  • Taking part in a community of hope 

What you will receive: 

  • Attend two live Zoom meetings 

  • Every session has an optional breakout conversation with other participants to reflect on a set question of the day

  • Interact with the group via the Zoom chat feature 

  • Gain access to recordings of the two sessions indefinitely 

  • Download the Teaching Notes and Participant Chat for each session 

  • Receive an invitation to join the Dámh Imeall (h)Edge School Facebook Group