An Easter Together: Recovering and Ritualizing the Triduum in Community

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A three session arc through the Christian and pre-Christian story, music and poetry of Easter

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A three session arc through the Christian and pre-Christian story, music and poetry of Easter

A three session arc through the Christian and pre-Christian story, music and poetry of Easter

Join us for our second annual Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School Easter Virtual Retreat. 

The most mystical and significant rituals of the Christian tradition unfold during these three days, known in the Latin as the Triduum.

Now is the time for you to recover and take part in a renewed encounter with these mysteries.

After this traumatic year of dismantling we have had in our lives, let us be revived and renewed through the symbolism and story of Easter’s Christian and Celtic roots. 

The celebration and sheer beauty of Spring (Lencten in Old English, hence Lent) is all around and within us. No global virus can suppress, let alone quench that artistic spirit!

The seasonality of Tráth na Cásca, as we call it in Ireland, and its rich themes of chocolate and resurrection hold a feast of meaning. It is a poignant and joyous festival with a host of song, poetry, interfaith spirituality and history encoded within it.

We are eager to share it all with you.

Let us hold a deep and cheerful conversation over these three days, as we explore the Christian story that descends into the depths of darkness and death on Good Friday, only to be renewed and reborn on Easter Sunday. Indeed, this is the cyclical scaffolding of all our lives...