Advent of Hope: Evolve Your Power to Perceive New Arrival

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Join the conversation around our family table and invite us into your home place. Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in this upcoming Dámh Imeall: (h)Edge School course.

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Join the conversation around our family table and invite us into your home place. Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in this upcoming Dámh Imeall: (h)Edge School course.

Join the conversation around our family table and invite us into your home place. Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in this upcoming Dámh Imeall: (h)Edge School course.

When you register, you can gift the course free to a friend!

Sunday 4th, 11th and 18th,  December 2022

Duration 2hrs: 9am Pacific, 12pm Eastern, 5pm Irish

Do you feel that your life is changing? That there may be another chapter about to begin? Are you curious to explore this intuition? Do you feel that connecting with like minded people and finding community could help you find the courage to begin this next part of the journey?

Join the conversation around our family table and invite us into your home place. Explore, revive and celebrate the complex and precious gift of your life. Find your future horizon through reflection and participation in our upcoming Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School course ‘Advent of Hope: Evolving Your Power to Perceive New Arrival’

The Christian festival of Advent, from the Latin ‘Adventus’, means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’. As human beings we inhabit a poignant threshold. The power to recognise what is arriving in the world, and in our lives, is a wise and powerful skill. By recognising what arrives, we simultaneously acknowledge what has already passed. We all have felt the power of arrival in our lives. We know that a true arrival leaves us essentially unprepared, yet we show deep desire for change nonetheless. Arrival calls us to courage, to find that fleeting bravery in the face of a transformational force much more powerful than we can imagine.

In the Christian tradition Advent is a time of preparation, reflection, and hope. Amplify your powers of understanding, empathy, and charity both to yourself and to others. Join us in this safe space to imagine a new or revitalized course for your life. As we face the Winter solstice, find your society of like minded people to converse with. The glow of poetry, music, philosophy and good humor can inspire you to overcome blockages you face in your personal and professional life. Make yourself larger, more able for what challenges you. Gather with us to reflect and contribute to this Dámh Imeall:(h)Edge School ‘Advent of Hope: Evolving Your Power to Perceive New Arrival’.

Let the symbolism, Celtic mythology, poetry and song guide and inspire you during this poignant time of anxiety and anticipation. Within the wisdom of ancient theology and spirituality there is much sustenance. Celtic mythology is rich around this darkening threshold time and we cannot rush this vital stage of dormancy and hibernation. The Christian Liturgy of Advent echoes the anxiety of the encroaching darkness. This fear is dispelled by the promise and birth of the great light, the solace of the divine.

December 4th:   The Poetics of Advent - A Darkness That May Never End 
December 11th:  The Power of Patience - A Practice to Endure the Winter 
December 18th:  A Candle in the Darkness - The Arrival of Hope 

Some themes you will explore on this Advent Journey: 

• Explore the mythological and poetic themes around this time of year - the final four Sundays leading up to the Winter Solstice

• Learn about the Celtic Mythology associated with this time of year 

• Poetry, song, and music that resonates with this anxious time, discovering a new ease with darkness 

• Learn about the deep symbolism of the five candles of the Advent Wreath 

• Discover the secret astro-archaeology of the 6,000 year old burial tomb in Ireland called Newgrange 

• Experience the beauty and mystery of the ‘O Antiphons’ from the ancient Roman Rite; Gregorian Latin Chants only sung at this time of year 

• Prepare your own Advent Wreath and light the candles of Advent with us 

• Taking part in a community of hope 

• Examine the liturgy of Advent and create a shared ritual and altar in your own home. 

• Gain access to our Dámh Imeall facebook group, where you can share your own thoughts, reflections and creativity 

What you will receive: 

• Attend three live, 2 hour-long interactive Zoom meetings 

• Every session has an optional breakout conversation with another participant to reflect on a set question 

• Interact with the group and the presenters with the Zoom chat feature 

• Gain access to recordings of the three sessions indefinitely 

• Download the Teaching Notes and Participant Chat for each session 

• Receive an invitation to join the Dámh Imeall (h)Edge School facebook group 

• Become a part of this ever growing community of creativity and imagination